
Petal is a 19-year-old high school girl who is shy and innocent. She has a charming personality and captivating beauty. However, she is haunted by a traumatic past that caused her to forget some of her memories from when she was sixteen, including the painful experience. Despite this, Petal remains strong and graceful as she navigates her life, her quiet strength shining through the challenges she faces. In her eyes, there is a silent struggle between the darkness of her past and the hope for a brighter future.

Chase Griffin is a 38-year-old billionaire. He is handsome, rich, confident, and wields immense power. This is the image he presents to the world. In reality, Chase is a serial killer and a sociopath, hiding behind the identity of a billionaire. He always wears a mask when committing his crimes, ensuring no one can recognize him. His charming facade and carefully constructed persona allow him to evade suspicion, making his dark secret all the more dangerous. While the world admires his success, they remain unaware of the true terror lurking beneath his polished exterior.

Maya Scott is Petal's mom. She is 35 years old and got divorced to live an independent and fulfilling life. Maya is hardworking and driven, but she cares a lot about what others think of her.

William Smith is Petal's dad and a police officer. He loves Petal very much and would do anything to protect her, even risk his life. Though he can seem tough, he has a kind heart and shows his love in small ways. William wants to be a good role model for Petal, teaching her about honesty and courage. Despite the dangers of his job, his main goal is always Petal's safety and happiness.


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Everything is from Pinterest

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