4. Love and madness

"Huh huh mm huh huh" he hummed softly, tracing his finger along her face on the screen. The pictures were from the marriage hall, capturing her laughter as she sat on a chair, looking breathtaking.

"Why do you never laugh with me like this?" he asked her, his voice tinged with hurt. "Why?"

"Mmm" he heard a voice behind him, but he ignored it.

"Answer me, Petal," his voice was filled with pain, as if he was crying from his heart.

He was in his secret place now, the room where he kept his victims. In the same locker where he had locked Petal. He sat so close to the screen, it was as if he wanted to merge with it, to get closer to her in any way possible.

He watched the screen intently, his fingers trembling , he whispered. " you never smiled at me like that."

The voice behind him grew louder, but he continued to ignore it, his focus solely on the images before him. "I did everything for you," he murmured. "Everything."

"mmm," he heard again. He ignored it, but then the struggling behind him irritated him, disrupting his focus on Petal.

"Shut the fuck up! Don't you see I'm talking to my love?" he turned and shouted in anger at the victim he had just caught, frustration evident in his voice.

The victim trembled, scared by his angry, red eyes. The room was dark, but the screen's light made his rage visible.

It was a boy in his twenties, bound with chains to a chair. His mouth was covered with a cloth, stifling his attempts to make noise, so only muffled "mm" sounds escaped.

His anger froze the boy in place, fear gripping him as he took in his surroundings, realizing he was in a cage.

"Why do people always disturb us when we're together, Petal?" he said, turning back to the screen. "They just can't see us happy."

The boy struggled again, making noise. Chase closed his eyes in frustration. Standing from his chair, he approached the captive, who began shaking violently, pulling at the chains more desperately.

"Didn't you hear me?" Chase's voice was dangerously low. The boy's eyes widened as he saw Chase holding a knife.

"Mmm," the boy tried to say something, but the cloth muffled his words, reducing them to incoherent sounds.

"Shut the fuck up," Chase snarled, pressing the knife against the boy's neck.

Somehow, the cloth slipped from the boy's mouth.

The boy turned his face aside, squeezing his eyes shut. "Please don't hurt me. What did I do wrong? Please," he begged.

"I'm asking the same thing. What did I do wrong?" Chase echoed, gripping the boy's arms tightly.

"Why did she leave me? I treated her like no other. I gave her everything. Then why did she leave me?" he shouted, his voice breaking. The boy started to cry, having no idea what Chase was talking about.

"Fucking answer me!" Chase screamed at him.

"I don't know," the boy replied, terrified.

"You don't know?" Chase said, his eyes wild.

"No," the boy sobbed.

"Still no?" Chase hissed, pushing the knife into the boy's thigh, causing him to scream in pain.

Chase twisted the knife. "Stop!" the boy cried, struggling desperately to free himself.

Chase yanked the knife out. Blood poured from the boy's thigh, dripping onto the floor.

"What the hell! You made my love's room dirty!" Chase shouted at him.

"Shit, she will hate me," Chase muttered, eyes filled with worry. He started pressing on the boy's thigh to stop the bleeding, trying to keep the blood from staining the floor.

"Stop, it hurts!" the boy cried out, the pain unbearable as Chase pressed harder.

"My heart is hurting too," Chase said in a broken voice, tears streaming down his face. "It's hurting more than any wound ever could," he sobbed, his grief palpable.

"Why, Petal, why? Why didn't you come before? If you couldn't, then why now, and on my wedding day?" Chase cried, grabbing his own hair in despair. "I knew you would punish me, and I was ready for that. I would gladly accept any punishment you gave me, but this... this is too much, Petal. In your punishment, you took yourself away from me forever. How could you do this to me? How could you? You knew how much I loved you, then why? Why did you hide yourself like this? Why?" he sobbed uncontrollably.

The boy cried, terrified and in pain.

"Why, why, why?" Chase screamed, stabbing the boy in the other thigh. The boy screamed in agony. Chase kept stabbing, yelling, "Why, why, why?"

The boy's legs shook with pain, blood spilling everywhere. But Chase didn't stop; he kept stabbing.

"Please," he heard her voice, and his actions halted. He looked towards the screen.

"Please stop this," he saw her crying on the screen.

The knife dropped from his hand, and he moved closer to the screen. "You promised me you would stop this. Then why are you doing this again?" she cried, asking.

"Because of you," he said. "Because of you, Petal. I stopped it because of you, and now I'm doing it again because of you."

"You promised me," she said.

"And you did too, but you broke it. I kept my promise. You promised you would never leave me if I stopped the killings and everything. And I did, but you still left me. Even then, I didn't start doing it again, hoping you would come back and wouldn't like it if you found out I was doing it again. But now, not only have you left me, but you also forgot me," he said, his heart aching. "You forgot our promises, the moments we spent together, everything."

"How could she?" he asked, looking toward the boy who was just crying in pain. "Tell me, how could she?" Chase grabbed his face and made him look at him. The poor boy had no idea what was going on; he had just become the victim of pure anger and hatred.

"They were such beautiful moments for us. I never lived like that, the way I lived with her. How could they have turned into her nightmares? What did I do wrong? In what way did those moments become her nightmares? I loved no one like I loved her," he said, his voice filled with sadness and misery.

"You must have hurt her, just like you're doing to me," the boy said, his voice heavy with pain.

"No, I never did. Petal, you know I never did, right? Tell him I never did," Chase pleaded. "She is the love of my life. How could I hurt her? I can't even imagine it. For a moment, I could think of hurting myself, but her? I would never do that," he said.

"Then why did she leave you?" the boy asked, not only to him but to God too, because if she hadn't left, he wouldn't be getting tortured like this.

"It must be because of her father. Yeah, it must be. She loved me too. It can't be her decision. Her father must have manipulated her in some way," Chase said.

"How do you know she loved you?" the boy asked.

"Do you want to see?" Chase asked excitedly.

He took off his shirt immediately. "Look here," he said, pointing to his chest. It was marked with "Petal." "She marked me herself, with her own small hands, as her property it was only cause she loved me " he said. "Isn't it beautiful?" Chase admired it. "Yeah, it's a bit messy because she was crying and shaking while doing it, but it's beautiful because she did it," he said.

"I still remember the memories of that day, the way her shaking hand couldn't hold the knife properly, and I helped her, reassured her it was okay. She was begging me not to do it, saying it would hurt a lot, but I was determined. I wanted her to mark me. I wanted it so badly," he said.

"Should I show you how she did it?" Chase asked with a creepy voice. "I should, right? I definitely should," he said.

"What do you mean?" the boy asked, scared. Chase quickly tore his shirt off.

"What are you-" the boy started to say. "Shh," Chase said, placing the knife on his neck. "I'm showing you how she did it, how she marked me. I'm going to show it to you," he said, tracing the knife from the boy's neck to his chest.

"No, no, please no," the boy begged, terrified, knowing exactly what Chase meant.

"Shhh, it will be beautiful. You will live the memory I lived once," Chase said.

Chase pulled a chair near him and sat down.

"I got your memory. I imagined it already. It was really heartfelt; I felt it already. You don't need to show me," the boy said, trying to convince him to stop.

"No, no, imagination is nothing compared to the real experience," Chase insisted.

"Even if you did imagine it, you must not have done it properly. Let me help you imagine it in more detail," he said.

"No, I did, I did with all the details. I felt the love and compassion you both had for each other," the boy continued, desperately trying to stop him from inflicting more pain.

Chase stabbed his chest. "Just let me show you," Chase said in utter anger. The boy screamed in pain, but it had no effect on Chase. He twisted the knife.

"Okay, okay, fine, show me, just show me," the boy begged.

"You should have asked like this before. Wouldn't it have been easier?" Chase said, pulling the knife out.

"Ahh!" the boy shouted as Chase withdrew the knife. "Look what you made me do. The place is already half ruined," Chase said in disappointment, thinking he wouldn't be able to show exactly how Petal marked him.

"Let's clean it first," Chase said. He looked around and found the cloth that had bound the boy's face. "I think this will be enough," Chase said. He took it and harshly rubbed the blood away. "Ahh!" the boy screamed in pain.

"It's done, it's done," Chase said, still cleaning.

"So, where were we? Oh, yes," Chase said, sitting straight to start. "I wanted her to mark me as hers," he began explaining. "At first, I thought I would get a tattoo of her name on my chest, but then I thought, wouldn't it be better if she did it herself, with her own tiny hands?" His creepy smile terrified the boy.

Chase continued, his voice softening as he relived the memory. "I remember her shaking hands. She couldn't hold the knife properly, and I helped her. I reassured her it was okay. She was begging me not to do it, saying it would hurt too much, but I was determined. I wanted her to mark me. I wanted it so badly," he said.

He traced the knife lightly over the boy's chest, mimicking the motions from his memory. "I told her it would be fine, that the pain would be worth it because it would mean she loved me enough to leave her mark on me."

The boy's breath hitched, his fear palpable. "Please, you don't have to do this," he whispered.

Chase ignored him, lost in his recollection. "She cried while doing it, but I held her close, telling her it was okay, that she was making me hers forever. The tears, the shaking hands... it made it even more special because it showed how much she cared."

He pressed the knife a bit harder, drawing blood. The boy winced, trying to hold back his cries.

"And now, I'm going to give you the same experience," Chase said with a twisted smile. "So you can understand the depth of our love."

The boy's eyes filled with tears, realizing there was no escape. "Please," he begged one last time, his voice barely a whisper.

Chase's expression softened slightly, but he continued. "Don't worry. This will be a beautiful memory for you, just like it was for me," he said, as he prepared to carve her mark into the boy's chest while showing him exactly how she did it.



"Do it," Chase said.

"No, Chase, please, it will hurt badly," Petal pleaded.

"I don't care, just do it," he insisted, pulling her hand, which was holding the knife, and placing it on his chest.

Her hands trembled. "Do it," he shouted, scaring her.

"Why do you want me to do it?" she asked, crying.

"I want to be marked as your property," he said.

"Mark me right here, over my heart. Not just my body, but my heart too," he said, pulling her hand and placing it on his heart.

"There's no need for this," she said, lowering her gaze, exhausted by his madness over her.

"Do it, or I'll make you kill me," he said. He pressed her hand, pushing the knife into his chest. "Chase, what are you doing?" Petal panicked, her breathing quickening as she saw the knife cutting into his skin.

"Mark me or kill me. The decision is yours," Chase said, looking straight into her eyes.

"Please," she begged.

He said nothing but continued pressing her hand. "No, no," she cried as he pushed the knife deeper. She knew it must be painful, but he showed no reaction, just staring at her. Blood started dripping from his chest.

"Fine, I will do it, I will do it," she said.

"You will?" Chase asked, excited. She looked at him; he was behaving crazily.

"Yes, I will. Please, release my hand," Petal said, crying.

"Sure, love," he said and let her hand go. She pulled the knife out, the sight of the blood making her cry harder.

"Don't cry, love, it's nothing," Chase said as if it really was nothing to him.

"Oh, it's all drenched. Let me clean it," he said.

He grabbed a cloth nearby and cleaned himself. "Here we go, you should start," he said, smiling.

"Please, Chase," she tried to convince him one last time.

"Petal, don't make me repeat myself now," he said, his voice holding a hint of anger. Petal knew better than to keep arguing.

She slowly placed her trembling hand on his chest. Her view blurred with tears as she brought the knife closer to mark him but struggled to start. He grabbed her hand. "Right here, love," Chase said, guiding her hand closer to his heart.

She lowered her head, crying. "Do it already, Petal," he said, trying to stay calm, but she didn't listen. "Do it," he pressed the knife on his chest.

"I'm doing it, I'm doing it," Petal said.

She started carving her name on his chest, but her hand trembled. "Deeper, Petal," Chase said. She shook her head, no. "Do it, or I'll do it myself," he said.

Knowing he wasn't just threatening, she tried to cut deeper. Blood spilled all over, making her cry. "Don't worry about me, just keep going," Chase urged. She cried the entire time, but he found utmost satisfaction knowing his love was marking him.

As her hands trembled and her view blurred, she couldn't carve properly. She tried to be careful but had never used a knife before. Every now and then, she accidentally cut deeper, repeatedly whispering, "Sorry," while he acted as if it didn't matter at all.

Finally, she finished carving her name on his chest. Chase wiped the blood away, revealing "Petal" clearly marked on his skin. "Isn't it beautiful?" Chase asked her.

She just looked down and cried.

End of Flashback::


Chase carved Petal's name into the boy's chest, just as Petal had done to him, explaining every detail.

"It was just like this. See, it's almost identical, right?" Chase asked, comparing the mark he gave the boy to the one Petal gave him.

The boy's vision blurred from the pain. His chest ached terribly.

"He's crazy," the boy thought, throbbing in agony. The way Chase explained everything in detail meant it was true. How could he handle this much pain and laugh about it as if it were something wonderful? Now, he could understand why those memories were nightmares for the girl Chase called his love. She must have been stuck with this psycho.

"What are you thinking? Tell me, how is it?" Chase asked, growing impatient.

"It's good," the boy said, not wanting to anger Chase.

"Hmm," Chase said, looking at the boy's chest. "Petal, such a beautiful name," he said, tracing his fresh wound with his hand, making the boy whimper in pain.

"Petal, she is mine, only mine," Chase said with a smile.

But the smile disappeared quickly. "But not anymore. I married her mother. She is my stepdaughter now," grief hit him.

"She was meant to be my wife, my queen. How can she become my stepdaughter?" Chase said.

"My friend says to forget her. How can I forget her when she is the reason I am alive? I survived only because I promised her that we would stay together forever," he said.

"Tell me, Petal, how can I?" he said, tracing his finger over Petal's name on the boy's chest.

"How can I, how can I, how can I?" he repeated, his voice rising with fury. Then, in a sudden outburst, he thrust the knife into the boy's chest, right where Petal's name was carved.

"She is mine," Chase shouted, his face twisted with rage. "How dare you have her name on your heart? How dare you carry a mark of someone who was meant to be mine alone?"

He stabbed again, each thrust driven by his wrath. "She belongs to me! No one else should have a piece of her. No one!" Chase screamed as he continued to stab the boy, his anger boiling over.

The boy's body convulsed with the agony of the knife plunging into his heart. As the life drained from him, his body went limp, and he finally succumbed to the fatal wounds. Chase's rage slowly faded, leaving behind only a twisted sense of satisfaction.


After dropping Maya off at his house, Chase made an excuse and went out. He spent the entire night in his secret lair, talking to his love and venting his frustration. He decided that forgetting Petal, though it would be difficult, was the only way forward. He knew he couldn't bear to hurt her, even if forgetting her would be a challenge.

Maya waited for him all night, understandably so, since it was their wedding night. But Chase did not return, which made Maya worry. At the wedding, Chase had barely looked at her with affection or complimented her appearance.

He had been acting strangely even before the marriage. They had been together for the past six months, and from her perspective, he was madly in love with her. He cared for her deeply, always calling to hear her voice and holding her close whenever they were together, as if he had separation anxiety. Maya loved the way he loved her, unaware that he was actually searching for Petal in her.

Chase touched Maya thinking he was touching Petal. He called her to hear her voice because it gave him the impression that he was speaking to Petal. Although they had not been intimate-Maya was not comfortable with it and Chase did not want to force her-they agreed to wait until after marriage. Chase was unsure about marrying Maya but kept her close because she reminded him of Petal.

After the incident, Chase had to conceal his identity because, to the world, he was presumed dead. He changed his location but did not need to change his name, as nobody knew his true identity anyway. Known as the masked man, Chase came from a wealthy family but was estranged from them due to the life they led him. After the incident, he needed a new identity, so he reached out to them. Initially, they rejected him, but by offering them 20% of his success, he convinced them to invest in him. Within a year, not only had he established his own company, but he had also become the richest man in his country through collaborations with other companies.

Focused initially on his work as a means of survival, Chase found it impossible to remove Petal from his thoughts. He wanted her and was convinced she wanted him too, though she just didn't realize it yet. However, his father's actions had separated them. After three months of dedicated work, once his business was stable enough to sustain itself, he began searching for Petal.

But he couldn't find her. He looked for her at her school, where she lived, and tried to locate his father, but found no leads. He even visited the police station where his father worked, only to learn that he had moved out. Despite his efforts, he could not find her, which left him in deep despair. After two months of fruitless searching and almost losing hope, he unexpectedly saw Maya. She had joined his office as his secretary.

Maya resembled Petal closely, though she was older, signaling that she wasn't her. Chase continued searching for Petal but was drawn to Maya because she reminded him of Petal in the way she spoke and carried herself. Unable to resist, he became attracted to her. As time passed, Maya and Chase began dating.

He knew Maya was not Petal, but he couldn't bring himself to let her go. Whenever he missed Petal, he used Maya to calm himself-not sexually, as he believed only Petal deserved that. Over a few months, Chase and Maya grew closer. Though he liked Maya, his feelings for Petal remained stronger.

As rumors circulated in the office that Chase was using Maya, she became distressed. Unable to bear the gossip, she asked Chase to either marry her or end the relationship. Chase, reluctant to lose Petal, chose to marry Maya. They decided on a wedding within two months. As the day approached, Chase felt increasingly conflicted but felt trapped by his circumstances.

She heard the sound of his car pulling into the garage. He was pretending to have just arrived from outside, though he had been in his hidden place within his own house.

Maya felt a surge of excitement. Despite her anger and disappointment-having waited eagerly for their wedding night only for it to be ruined-she believed there must be a solid reason behind his behavior. Whether it was her love for him or her desire to believe the best, she was determined to see things positively.

She had already changed out of her wedding dress and was now wearing something more enticing: a long blue dress with a thigh-high slit that revealed one of her legs. The dress perfectly accentuated her curves. Her long, black hair flowed down her back, and her skin, reminiscent of Petal's, shimmered. (For the record, Petal had hair and skin like Maya's, not the other way around.)

Maya quickly adjusted her dress and hair, her heart pounding as Chase approached their room.

Chase's heart still felt heavy with thoughts of Petal. Despite his promise to forget her, he was doubtful as he stood in front of the door to their room. Maya's impatience grew as Chase took too long to enter. When she finally opened the door, her presence turned Chase's doubt into reality.

"Chase, where have you been? I was waiting for you all night," she said.

Chase was too stunned to respond. "Chase," she called again, her voice echoing the tone of Petal's. It pierced through him, causing his heart to ache.

"Chase," she repeated, placing a hand on his shoulder. "What's wrong?" she asked, noticing his sadness. He looked at her with a blank expression and a heart weighed down by sorrow.

"Chase, come on," Maya urged, worried by his behavior.

"I'm tired, Maya," Chase said, pushing her hand away and stepping into the room. He wasn't in the mood for conversation.

"Should I run you a bath?" she asked playfully. Chase turned toward her with a hint of anger. Her tone was different from how she had spoken before their marriage. "Petal would never say something like that," he said, finally finding a distinction between Maya and Petal.

He shook his head in frustration, placing his coat on the table and removing his watch. His heart was heavy with the weight of the decisions he had made, wondering if he could ever follow through with them.

Maya was deeply concerned about Chase; his distant behavior was making her sad. She had been so excited about their marriage and the life they would share, but his actions were far from what she had expected.

As Chase struggled to remove his watch, which had become stuck, he grew increasingly frustrated and began yanking on it. Maya noticed his distress.

"Let me help you," she offered, taking his hand gently.

"You can ask for help when you need it; don't suffer alone," Maya said, continuing to work on freeing the watch. Chase simply watched her, his expression unreadable.

"I will never judge you," Maya began to say. But before she could finish, Chase pulled her closer, gripping her hand. He held her neck and kissed her passionately, placing his other hand on her waist and drawing her nearer. The suddenness of it took Maya by surprise, and she was momentarily shaken. His kiss was intense and fervent. As she began to kiss him back, Chase's kisses grew more aggressive.

Their kisses grew more frantic. Chase pushed her onto the bed, still kissing her. They were breathless but unwilling to pull away. Chase continued to kiss her, moving from her lips to her face, and then to her neck, biting it roughly. Maya wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him closer. Chase seized her hands and pinned them above her head, still kissing her with reckless abandon.

"Chase," Maya moaned, her voice filled with passion.

"Fuck me, Chase," Maya said, her words abruptly halting Chase. Petal had never spoken to him like that. The realization that Maya was not Petal hit him hard. He looked at her, his mind racing.

He abruptly got up and sat away from her. Maya's attempt to comfort him with "I will never judge you" had reminded him of Petal, the first person who had ever tried to accept him with his flaws.

He grabbed his head in distress, shaking it as if to clear his thoughts.

"What's wrong, Chase?" Maya asked, confused and worried.

"I can't do this; I can't," he said, his voice heavy with regret. He tried to leave, but Maya grabbed his hand to stop him.

"Don't go," Maya pleaded as Chase looked at her, conflicted. "I want you, Chase," she continued, her voice trembling.

Chase's gaze was fixed on her. "Please," she said, her desperation evident.

The words "Please, Chase" blurred his vision, and as he blinked, Petal seemed to appear before him.

"Chase, I want you to make love to me," Petal said softly.

"Petal," he called out mentally, struggling to grasp the reality of the situation. Am I dreaming? he wondered. He blinked again, and Petal began to vanish, only for Maya to reappear. "No, no, don't go," he begged, his voice filled with urgency.

"Please, Chase, I want you," he heard Petal's voice again. Without hesitation, he kissed Maya deeply, convinced she was Petal. The kiss was more passionate than before, fueled by the illusion of Petal. He pulled her closer, his body pressing against hers, and he savored the warmth of her small frame.

As he kissed her fiercely, he noticed that her kisses were soft and gentle. Realizing this, he slowed down, allowing her to set the pace. He was determined to give her everything she wanted, just as she desired. He gently laid her on the bed, still kissing her tenderly.

When he pulled away to look at her, petal's face was flushed with a radiant smile. "I love you, I love you madly," Chase confessed.

"I love you too," she replied with a smile that was like a blooming rose.

"I want to show you how much I love you," Chase said earnestly.

"Show me," petal replied.

"I will be gentle," he said, knowing that Petal's smaller frame might not be able to handle his roughness, at least not initially.

"No, I don't want you to be gentle," she said, leaving Chase stunned.

"Just show me how much you want me," she urged.

"I don't want to hurt you in any way," Chase said, his concern evident.

"You will not," petal reassured him, her eyes filled with trust and love. "I believe in you."

He smiled, their lips meeting again as their hands intertwined. They kissed passionately, both lost in the moment.


The room was filled with heavy breaths and the echoes of their passionate love. As Chase reached his climax, he felt a profound relief and fulfillment he had never experienced before. He kissed petal gently on the forehead, and she smiled contentedly.

"I'm crazy for you, Petal," Chase murmured.

"Petal?" Maya asked, her voice tinged with confusion.

Chase's vision cleared , and he realized with a jolt that Maya was beneath him. Panic surged through him as he quickly pulled away.

"Why did you say Petal's name?" Maya asked, sitting on the bed and covering herself with the sheets.

Chase was too overwhelmed to focus on her question. He grabbed a blanket to cover himself and hurried to the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Sitting on the floor, he buried his face in his hands, his mind racing.

"What have I done? I had sex with Maya, mistaking her for Petal-damn it!" he thought, gripping his hair in frustration. "I promised to forget you, Petal. Why do you haunt my mind like this? What have you made me do?" he lamented, pulling at his hair in despair.

He had hoped to forget Petal for the sake of his love for her, but what he didn't realize was that she wasn't just his love-she was his obsession. Love can be forgotten, but obsession never fades. Petal, his obsession, ran through his veins like blood, meant to stay inside him even after death.


William was asleep when his phone rang.

"Hello?" he answered groggily. His eyes widened as he listened to the news.

He quickly got out of bed and turned on the TV to watch the broadcast.

"The patterns are the same," the news anchor said, "but is it possible for someone to survive after being hit in the chest? Did the police hide the truth?"

The headlines flashed across the screen:

- "Was it really the Masked Man?"

- "How is he still alive after the encounter?"

- "Is someone pretending to be the Masked Man?"

William moved closer to the screen as the CCTV footage showed newly captured images of the Masked Man. It was him. The remote fell from his hand when he saw Petal's name written on the Masked Man's chest, visible through the slightly opened hoodie. The unmistakable mark confirmed his fears. "He's back," William whispered, his heart racing.


"Please, no," Petal begged. "No!" she shouted as another nightmare jolted her awake. Tears welled up in her eyes as she sat on the edge of her bed, pulling her legs close to her chest. "He will never leave me, never," Petal said, her voice trembling as she hugged her legs and cried uncontrollably. "He's back."


Chase thought he will forget petal instead he was back with his three of colours : his obsession with her, his serial killer identity, and as her recurring nightmare.


Author's Note::Sorry for writing so much. I just can't seem to stop; I keep expanding on every detail. I hope it doesn't make the story boring. In the introduction, I mentioned that I like to imagine myself as the female lead, but right now I feel like I'm Chase. I find it hard to stop writing about his overwhelming feelings for Petal. It feels like no matter how much I write, it's never enough to capture his obsession. Do you think the same? I'm open to opinions-whether you think I'm over-writing . I value your feedback. Thank you for reading. I'd prefer reviews over votes; if you liked it, I trust you'll do that on your own.

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