6.Fallen Promises

Chase burst into the room, frustration evident in his voice. "Maya, where are you? I’ve been calling you for ten minutes!" he shouted, expecting to find her there. But instead of Maya, his gaze fell upon someone else—Petal.

She was asleep, undisturbed by his shouting. The sight of her melted away his anger. She looked so peaceful, almost ethereal, lying there as if the world itself had paused just for her. She was breathtaking.

"You can't imagine how much I've waited to see you again, Petal. You can't imagine how much I’ve missed you," Chase whispered, his voice thick with emotion.

She lay on his bed, facing him, her body wrapped in a blanket. Her hair was loose, a few strands cascading over her face. He stepped closer, drawn to her as if by an invisible force.

"You can’t imagine how much I cried for you," Chase murmured, his voice barely a whisper. "Why did you hide yourself, Petal?" he asked, gently brushing her hair away from her face. She flinched slightly but remained deep in sleep.

She looked so innocent, so pure, as she slept. The urge to touch her overwhelmed him. "It feels like you’d melt away with my touch," he thought, his eyes never leaving her face.

His hands trembled as he fought the urge to feel her, to confirm that she was real and not just a dream. Her hand lay outside the blanket, and the temptation to hold it, to feel her warmth, was too strong. His heart raced like a runaway train as he slowly reached out, nervous despite having touched her before. But this moment felt different, almost unreal. "If I touch you, will you disappear, just like last time?" he wondered, his heart breaking at the mere thought.

He couldn’t hold back any longer. His fingers brushed against her hand, and he felt a magnetic pull, a connection that no one else had ever given him. Finally, after what felt like an eternity, he took her hand in his, gently rubbing the back of it. "How much I’ve missed this warmth," he whispered, his voice trembling with emotion.

"Why did you do that, Petal? If you hadn’t, we would be together now, happy like we were back then," he said, his voice a mix of excitement and heartbreak. "We could’ve been married by now, maybe even had a daughter who looked just like you, just as we planned."

"But your one mistake destroyed everything, Petal. You, me, our relationship…everything," he continued, pain lacing every word. "How could you think I would ever force myself on you?"

"I know I was trying to make you stay, to make you listen, but it was all because I loved you so much. I couldn’t even imagine losing you," he admitted, his voice cracking. "Those were the most beautiful times of my life. How could it all turn into your nightmares? What did I do to hurt you so badly, Petal?" he asked, his voice breaking as he begged for an answer.

Just then, she moved, pulling her other hand out from under the blanket. She reached for his hand, holding it with both of hers, and pulled it close to her face. She nestled her face against it, using his hand as a pillow, a small smile gracing her lips as she murmured, "Chase."

Time stood still for him at that moment. Hearing her say his name, hearing her voice after longing for it so desperately, felt like a dream come true. He had listened to her voice countless times in his thoughts, seen her through a screen, but this…this was what he had dreamt of every single day.

Petal smiled in her sleep, a serene expression on her face.

"Petal," Chase called out softly, his voice full of emotion. He gently caressed her face with his other hand, savoring the moment.

Suddenly, he felt something wet on his fingers—tears. His heart skipped a beat. She was smiling, so why was she crying?

"I'm sorry, Chase," Petal murmured, her voice trembling with guilt. Chase was taken aback, trying to process her words. "It's all my fault," she sobbed, her grip on his hand tightening as she cried into it.

"What’s your fault, Petal?" he asked, his voice laced with concern.

"Making you do that to me," she whispered through her tears. Little did he know, she was speaking in her sleep, her voice barely audible.

"No, Petal, it’s all my fault. If only I had listened to you, it never would have happened. I say I love you more than anything, but I didn’t trust you. It’s all my fault," Chase confessed, his heart aching with regret.

"I wasn’t trying to escape that day, I swear I wasn’t," she cried, her tears soaking his hand.

"Shh, Petal, I know," he whispered, trying to soothe her.

"You scare me, Chase," she admitted, her voice fragile.

"I’m sorry, Petal. I won’t do that again, I promise," Chase vowed, his voice thick with emotion.

"It’s too late, Chase. You’re dead. You died because of me," her voice broke as she spoke, her grip on his hand tightening as if the words shattered her heart.

"I’m not dead, Petal. See? I’m right here, fit and fine, in front of you," he reassured her, trying to hold back his tears.

"I’m sorry for making you go through such pain. I—" Chase began, but he stopped abruptly when he heard a familiar voice. Quickly, he wiped away the tears he hadn’t realized were falling.

"Pet—" Maya started to say but paused. "Chase, what are you doing here?" she asked, noticing him standing near Petal.

Chase turned to face her, trying to compose himself. "I forgot some files at home," he said, his voice steadier than he felt.

"You should have called me," Maya said, approaching him.

"I did, Maya, but you didn’t pick up," Chase replied.

"You did?" Maya asked, puzzled. She walked over to her phone, which was lying on the table. She saw 25 missed calls from Chase. "Sorry, I was busy," she said, feeling a bit guilty.

"It’s okay, Maya," Chase said, his tone gentle.

Just then, Petal stirred and called out, "Mom."

"Hey, sweetie, you’re awake," Maya said, smiling as she walked over to her.

Petal sat up in bed as Maya approached her. "Are you alright now?" Maya asked, concern evident in her voice.

"What happened, Petal?" Chase asked, his worry mounting as he rushed towards her. He reached out to touch her forehead, checking for any signs of fever or illness.

But Petal flinched at his touch, instinctively pulling back.

Both Chase and Maya were taken aback by her reaction. Petal looked at them, realizing what she had just done. "I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to," she stammered, clearly distressed by her own behavior.

"It’s okay, Petal. I shouldn’t have done that. I just got worried," Chase said softly, trying to ease the tension.


As Chase returned, it was lunchtime, and Maya suggested they eat before heading out. Chase, eager to spend more time with Petal, agreed without hesitation.

Maya busied herself in the kitchen, preparing the meal, while Chase and Petal sat at the dining table. The silence between them was palpable, and Chase couldn’t help but notice.

"Am I making you uncomfortable?" Chase asked, breaking the silence.

"It’s not like that," Petal replied, her voice soft. "Why do you ask?"

"You’ve been so timid and quiet around me. I thought maybe…" he started, but Petal quickly interrupted.

"No, it’s not that. It’s just… me. I’m sorry," Petal said, a hint of sadness in her voice, as if she felt embarrassed.

"Don’t apologize, Petal. There’s nothing to be embarrassed about," Chase said gently, trying to comfort her.

"Don’t be sorry, Petal. It happens. Plus, I’m your stepdad. I get that it might make things a bit more uncomfortable," he added.

"No, it’s not like that," Petal insisted.

"Okay, if you say so, I’ll believe it," Chase said with a small smile.

Determined to ease the tension, Chase struck up a conversation with Petal. At first, she hesitated, but gradually, she became more comfortable talking with him.

"What’s your favorite movie?" Chase asked, hoping to keep the conversation light.

"I don’t know… maybe ‘Finding Nemo’? I used to watch it all the time when I was younger," Petal replied, her tone softening.

"A classic! I’m pretty sure I can still recite the entire 'just keep swimming' song. But don’t worry, I won’t embarrass myself… yet," Chase said, laughing lightly.

"You actually know the words? That’s impressive… or maybe a little sad," Petal said, surprised but amused.

"Let’s go with impressive, for my sake. But I’m always up for a good laugh, so feel free to tease me all you want. What about you? Any hidden talents or funny quirks I should know about?" Chase asked, grinning.

"Well… I can make the best peanut butter and jelly sandwiches. Seriously, it’s a talent," Petal said, finally starting to enjoy the conversation.

"No way! You’re a PB&J master? I’ll have to see that in action. Maybe we should have a sandwich showdown," Chase said playfully, making dramatic faces.

"You’re on! But be warned, I never lose," Petal replied, laughing.

"Challenge accepted. I have a feeling we’re going to get along just fine," Chase said with a smile.

Just then, Maya entered the room with the food. "You guys really got comfortable with each other," she observed, pleased.

"I’m glad," Chase said, his gaze lingering on Petal. She responded with a small smile.

"What should I call you?" Petal asked, curious.

"Chase," he replied without hesitation. He wanted to hear his name on her lips, nothing else.

"How can I call you by your name?" Petal asked, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

"What else would you call me—stepdad? Doesn’t that sound weird?" Chase said, pulling a funny face to lighten the mood.

"You’re right," Petal replied, laughing. "But still, you’re older. How can I call you by your name?"

"A man should be a kid at heart. Age doesn’t matter, darling," Maya chimed in, winking at Petal.

Petal laughed heartily, and Chase couldn’t help but feel elated seeing her so happy. It was everything he had hoped for—seeing her happy, spending time with her. He still couldn’t quite believe it was real.

"If it’s a dream, I don’t want to wake up," Chase thought to himself, cherishing the moment.


Maya and Chase were still sitting at the dining table while Petal went to retrieve the file Chase had asked for. She found it quickly, but as she was returning from the hall, her eyes caught sight of the news on TV.

The broadcast was about the anchorwoman who had just been murdered by the infamous Masked Man. The sight of the woman’s neck, shown on the screen, sent a shockwave through Petal. The deep, clean cuts were identical to the ones she had seen before—the same brutal method the killer had demonstrated to her. Her heart began to race as the horrifying truth sank in: the same man who had killed the stranger was now responsible for the anchorwoman’s death.

The memory of her desperate pleas and the killer’s cold, silent demeanor flashed vividly in her mind. The brutal precision of the cuts, the way the wire had been used—every gruesome detail confirmed that it was his work. A chilling certainty gripped her: he was the one behind this murder. The memory of his emotionless silence and the helplessness of his victims made her recognition all the more terrifying.

"No, it can’t be him! He promised he’d never do this again!" Petal screamed, her voice filled with disbelief and terror.

"No, he can’t!" she cried out, her panic escalating. In a fit of despair, she grabbed a vase from the table and hurled it to the ground, shattering it into pieces.

The loud crash echoed through the house, and Chase and Maya immediately rushed towards the source of the noise, already knowing it had come from where Petal had gone.

When they found her, the sight broke their hearts. Petal was trembling like a leaf, her entire body shaking with fear. She was shaking her head, murmuring to herself over and over, "He can’t do this… He promised he wouldn’t do it again," her voice trembling with anguish as tears streamed down her face.

"Petal, what happened?" Maya asked, her voice laced with worry as she rushed to her daughter’s side.

"Mom, he did it again," Petal sobbed, collapsing into Maya’s arms. "He promised he wouldn’t do it again. He lied to me!" she cried, her words filled with a deep, heartbreaking pain.

Chase’s eyes flicked to the TV screen, and he immediately understood the reason for her panic. The realization hit him hard, filling him with a sense of dread and helplessness as he watched Petal break down in front of him.



The cage room  was dimly lit, the flickering bulb casting eerie shadows. The anchor lady is bound to a chair, her fear palpable. Chase  emerges from the darkness, holding the razor-sharp wire with grim determination.

She looks up at him, eyes wide with terror. “Please, let me go! I promise I won’t report anything else. I’ll retract everything. Just let me go!”

He remains silent, methodically wrapping the wire around her neck. Her pleas become more frantic. “Who are you? Why are you doing this to me?”

He steps closer, his face a mask of fury. “How dare you accuse me of trying to rape my love? How dare you tarnish our relationship with your vile lies?”

Her eyes widen in shock. “I-I didn’t mean it like that. I was just doing my job! Please, I’m sorry!”

The killer’s voice is a low roar, filled with rage. “Your apologies mean nothing now. You have no idea what you’ve done. I loved her more than myself. I would never touch her without her consent. How dare you claim otherwise? How dare you dirty our relationship with such filth?”

He tightens the wire slightly, the sharp metal digging into her skin. “I would rather kill myself than harm her in such a way. You’ve sullied everything I hold dear with your accusations. And for that, you must pay.”

Her struggles intensify, her voice muffled but desperate. “No, please! I’ll do anything! I’ll retract everything right now. Just don’t kill me!”

The killer’s expression remains cold and unyielding as he continues to tighten the wire. “Your words are meaningless now. You should have thought of that before spreading your lies. Your fate was sealed the moment you chose to cross me.”

The wire digs deeper, slicing through flesh and causing blood to flow. Her cries turn into weak, gasping breaths as she starts to lose consciousness. “Please, stop! I beg you, please! I’ll never say anything again!”

He shows no sign of relenting, his face a mask of anger and resolve. “It’s too late for apologies. This is the consequence of your actions.”

With one final, ruthless pull, he tightens the wire completely. The anchor lady convulses once, then goes still, her body slumping as the life drains from her.

He steps back, watching her lifeless form with cold satisfaction. Her death is a brutal testament to his anger and the severe consequences of crossing him.

End of flashback::


"I will never forgive him, never!" Petal cried out, her sobs wracking her body with unbearable pain.

Maya was at a loss, unable to fully grasp what Petal was saying. The words didn’t make sense to her, but the pain in her daughter’s voice was unmistakable.

"Never," Petal whispered one last time before her body went limp in Maya’s arms, unconscious from the overwhelming emotional storm.

Maya struggled to hold her up, panic rising in her chest. "What is happening to her? Why is she behaving this way?" she asked, her voice trembling with fear and confusion.

Chase glanced at Maya, his expression troubled. It was clear to him that she was unaware of the full extent of Petal’s condition, and that realization hit him hard. How could she not know?

"Call the doctor," Chase instructed, his voice firm. Without wasting a moment, he scooped Petal up in his arms, carrying her in a bridal style. He could feel how fragile she was, her limp body pressed against his chest.

He brought her to his room, laying her down gently on the bed, his heart heavy with concern as he watched over her, waiting for the doctor to arrive.


"Please, no," she begged, tears streaming down her face. "Please don’t do this! I promise I won’t try to escape again. I swear!"

He remained silent, his expression cold and unreadable. Ignoring her desperate pleas, he methodically wrapped the wire around the stranger’s neck. The victim’s eyes widened in horror as the realization of what was about to happen sank in.

“Don’t!” she cried out, her voice cracking with fear. “Please, stop! I’ll do anything! Just don’t hurt him!”

But he didn’t respond. Instead, he tightened the wire with a terrifying calmness. The wire cut through the stranger’s skin with brutal precision, and as the blood began to flow, the victim’s struggles grew more frantic. Their muffled screams weakened as the wire sliced deeper through flesh and veins, the life slowly draining from their eyes.

"No!" Petal jolted awake from her nightmare, screaming in terror.

"Petal," her dad, William, was sitting beside her. Maya had called him in a panic after witnessing Petal’s distress, and he had come running without a moment’s delay.

She looked at him, her eyes filled with fear and relief. "Dad!" she sobbed, clinging to him as if he was her only anchor in the storm of her emotions. "It was him, Dad, it was him... he did it," she cried, her voice breaking under the weight of her grief and fear.

"What is she talking about, William?" Maya asked, confusion and concern etched on her face.

Before William could respond, Chase gently grabbed Maya’s hand, stopping her from pressing further.

"What?" Maya whispered, looking at Chase with a questioning gaze, her heart heavy with worry and confusion.

To be continued...

Author’s Note: Apologies for the delay; I was caught up with some work. I hope the wait didn’t take away from the story’s atmosphere. I’d love to hear your thoughts—what did you think of this chapter? In the next part, I’m planning to reveal some key aspects of Petal and Chase’s past. Are you excited? Let me know! If you enjoyed the chapter, please consider voting. And while I understand comments can be a bit tricky, I’d still appreciate hearing from you if you have anything to share. Thanks for reading!

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